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- /*
- File: DScrollWindow.cp
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <5> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <4> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <3> 8/9/92 MTG merging changes form the ThinkC version
- <2> 8/8/92 MTG cleaning up unused variables
- To Do:
- */
- #include "DScrollWindow.h"
- #include <DApplication.h>
- DScrollWindow::DScrollWindow(void)
- {
- //null
- }
- DScrollWindow::~DScrollWindow(void)
- {
- //null
- }
- Boolean DScrollWindow::Init(DDocument *doc, Boolean hasColorWindows)
- {
- Boolean inheritedSuccess;
- Rect r;
- SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- inheritedSuccess = inherited::Init(doc, hasColorWindows);
- fHorizScrollBar = NULL;
- fVertScrollBar = NULL;
- fVMin = 0;
- fVMax = 444;
- fHMin = 0;
- fHMax = 444;
- if (inheritedSuccess)
- {
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- fHorizScrollBar = NewControl(fWindowPtr,&r, "\p",TRUE,
- 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0);
- fVertScrollBar = NewControl(fWindowPtr,&r, "\p",TRUE,
- 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0);
- SizeScrollBars();
- SynchScrollBars();
- InvalRect(&(fWindowPtr->portRect));
- }
- return ( (fHorizScrollBar != NULL)&&(fVertScrollBar != NULL) && inheritedSuccess);
- }// end of init function
- Boolean DScrollWindow::KillMeNext(void)
- {
- Boolean inheritedSuccess = FALSE;
- if(fAlive)
- {
- if(inheritedSuccess = inherited::KillMeNext())
- {
- KillControls(fWindowPtr);
- }
- }
- return inheritedSuccess;
- }
- void DScrollWindow::HandleUpdateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Rect r;
- SetPort (fWindowPtr);
- BeginUpdate(fWindowPtr);
- FocusOnContent();
- r = (**(fWindowPtr->visRgn)).rgnBBox;
- if( !EmptyRgn(fWindowPtr->visRgn) )
- Draw(&r);
- FocusOnWindow();
- DrawControls(fWindowPtr);
- DrawGrowIcon( fWindowPtr);
- EndUpdate(fWindowPtr);
- }// end of HandleUpdateEvt member function
- //
- // Needed to fixe make the scroll bars behave correctly when a context change occurs
- //
- void DScrollWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- if (gApplication->fInBackground)
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- HideControl(fVertScrollBar);
- HideControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- }
- else
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- ShowControl(fVertScrollBar);
- ShowControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- DrawControls(fWindowPtr);
- DrawGrowIcon(fWindowPtr);
- FocusOnContent();
- }
- inherited::HandleOSEvent(theEvent);
- }// end of HandleOSEvent member function
- void DScrollWindow::HandleActivateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Boolean activating;
- activating = theEvent->modifiers & activeFlag;
- if(activating)
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- ShowControl(fVertScrollBar);
- ShowControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- DrawControls(fWindowPtr);
- DrawGrowIcon(fWindowPtr);
- FocusOnContent();
- if( !EmptyRgn(fWindowPtr->visRgn) )
- ;// makes comm tool box window go south (erases my window!!!!
- // if Draw( &(fWindowPtr->portRect)); is called
- // besides, DScrollWindow should only take care of its own
- }
- else
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- HideControl(fVertScrollBar);
- HideControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- }
- }// end of HandleActivateEvt member function
- short DScrollWindow::GetVertLineScrollAmount(void)
- {
- return 16;
- }//end of GetVertLineScrollAmount function
- short DScrollWindow::GetHorizLineScrollAmount(void)
- {
- return 16;
- }//end of GetHorizLineScrollAmount function
- short DScrollWindow::GetVertPageScrollAmount(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- GetContentRect(&r);
- return r.bottom - r.top - kScrollOverlap;
- }//end of GetVertPageScrollAmount function
- short DScrollWindow::GetHorizPageScrollAmount(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- GetContentRect(&r);
- return r.right - r.left - kScrollOverlap;
- }//end of GetHorizPageScrollAmount function
- void DScrollWindow::DoGrow(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- inherited::DoGrow(theEvent);
- SizeScrollBars();
- SynchScrollBars();
- }//end of DoGrow function
- void DScrollWindow::DoZoom(short partCode)
- {
- FocusOnWindow();
- inherited::DoZoom(partCode);
- SizeScrollBars();
- SynchScrollBars();
- }//end of DoZoom function
- void DScrollWindow::DoContent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Rect contents;
- FocusOnWindow();
- GlobalToLocal(&theEvent->where);
- GetContentRect(&contents);
- if(PtInRect(theEvent->where, &contents))
- {
- FocusOnContent();
- inherited::DoContent(theEvent);
- }
- else
- ScrollClick(theEvent);
- }// end of DoContent member function
- void DScrollWindow::SizeScrollBars()
- {
- Rect r, r_temp;
- FocusOnWindow();
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- HideControl(fVertScrollBar);
- SizeControl(fVertScrollBar, kScrollBarWidth,
- (r.bottom - r.top - kScrollBarPos) + 2); // the '2' is to make the bar end on the grow box boundry
- MoveControl(fVertScrollBar, r.right - kScrollBarPos, -1);
- ShowControl(fVertScrollBar);
- r_temp = (**fVertScrollBar).contrlRect;
- ValidRect(&r_temp);
- InvalRect(&r_temp);
- HideControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- SizeControl(fHorizScrollBar, (r.right - r.left - kScrollBarPos) + 2,
- kScrollBarWidth);
- MoveControl(fHorizScrollBar, -1, r.bottom - r.top - kScrollBarPos);
- ShowControl(fHorizScrollBar);
- r_temp = (**fHorizScrollBar).contrlRect;
- ValidRect(&r_temp);
- InvalRect(&r_temp);
- }// end of SizeScroll Bars member fuction
- // When things happen which could have changed the
- // scroll parameters and these routeens is used to get them back
- // in the correct form.
- void DScrollWindow::ValidateScrollRange(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- short dh, dv;
- short newMax;
- RgnHandle oldClip;
- GetContentRect(&r);
- dh = 0; dv = 0;
- newMax = (fVMax - fVMin) - (r.bottom - r.top);
- // see .h file for comment on control ranges vrs visible ranges
- if(newMax < 0)
- newMax = 0;
- if(fVOffSet > newMax)
- dv = fVOffSet - newMax;
- SetCtlMax(fVertScrollBar, newMax);
- newMax = (fHMax - fHMin) - (r.right - r.left);
- if(newMax < 0)
- newMax = 0;
- if(fHOffSet > newMax)
- dh = fHOffSet - newMax;
- SetCtlMax(fHorizScrollBar, newMax);
- if(dh | dv)
- {
- FocusOnContent();
- GetContentRect(&r);
- InvalRect(&r);
- oldClip = NewRgn();
- GetClip(oldClip);
- SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ClipRect(&r);
- ScrollContents(dh,dv);
- SetClip(oldClip);
- DisposeRgn(oldClip);
- }
- }// end of ValidateScrollRange member function
- void DScrollWindow::ValidateVertScrollRange(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- short dv;
- short newMax;
- RgnHandle oldClip;
- GetContentRect(&r);
- dv = 0;
- newMax = (fVMax - fVMin) - (r.bottom - r.top);
- if(newMax < 0)
- newMax = 0;
- if(fVOffSet > newMax)
- dv = fVOffSet - newMax;
- SetCtlMax(fVertScrollBar, newMax);
- if(dv)
- {
- FocusOnContent();
- GetContentRect(&r);
- InvalRect(&r);
- oldClip = NewRgn();
- GetClip(oldClip);
- SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ClipRect(&r);
- ScrollContents(0,dv);
- SetClip(oldClip);
- DisposeRgn(oldClip);
- }
- }// end of ValidateVertScrollRange member function
- void DScrollWindow::SynchScrollBars(void)
- {
- ValidateScrollRange();
- FocusOnWindow();
- SetCtlValue(fHorizScrollBar, fHOffSet);
- SetCtlValue(fVertScrollBar, fVOffSet);
- }// end of SynchScrollBars member function
- void DScrollWindow::ScrollClick(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- ControlHandle whichControl;
- short part;
- FocusOnWindow();
- if(part = FindControl(theEvent->where, fWindowPtr, &whichControl) )
- {
- switch(part)
- {
- case inThumb:
- DoThumbScroll(whichControl, theEvent->where);
- break;
- case inUpButton:
- case inDownButton:
- DoButtonScroll(whichControl, theEvent->where);
- break;
- case inPageUp:
- case inPageDown:
- DoPageScroll(whichControl,part);
- break;
- }/*end of switch*/
- }
- }// end of ScrollClick member function
- void DScrollWindow::DoThumbScroll(ControlHandle theControl, Point localPt)
- {
- short oldValue, trackResult, newValue, diff;
- oldValue = GetCtlValue(theControl);
- trackResult = TrackControl(theControl, localPt, NULL);
- if(trackResult != 0)
- {
- newValue = GetCtlValue(theControl);
- diff = newValue - oldValue;
- if(theControl == fHorizScrollBar)
- DoHScroll(diff);
- if(theControl == fVertScrollBar)
- DoVScroll(diff);
- }
- }// end of DoThumbScroll member function
- void DScrollWindow::DoPageScroll(ControlHandle theControl, short part)
- {
- short scrollAmount, currentPart;
- Point thePt;
- if(theControl == fVertScrollBar)
- {
- scrollAmount = GetVertPageScrollAmount();
- do
- {
- GetMouse(&thePt);
- currentPart = TestControl(theControl, thePt);
- if(currentPart == part)
- {
- if(currentPart == inPageUp)
- DoVScroll(- scrollAmount);
- if(currentPart == inPageDown)
- DoVScroll(scrollAmount);
- }
- }while(Button());
- }// end if VeriticalScrollBar
- else if (theControl == fHorizScrollBar)
- {
- scrollAmount = GetHorizPageScrollAmount();
- do
- {
- GetMouse(&thePt);
- currentPart = TestControl(theControl, thePt);
- if(currentPart == part)
- {
- if(currentPart == inPageUp)
- DoHScroll(- scrollAmount);
- if(currentPart == inPageDown)
- DoHScroll(scrollAmount);
- }
- }while(Button());
- }// end ifHorizontal Scroll Bar
- }// end of DoPageScroll function
- void DScrollWindow::DoButtonScroll(ControlHandle theControl, Point localPt)
- {
- short result;
- result = TrackControl(theControl, localPt, (ProcPtr) ActionProc) ;
- }// end of DoButtonScroll member function
- void DScrollWindow::ScrollContents(short dh, short dv)
- {
- Rect r;
- RgnHandle updateRgn;
- GetContentRect(&r);
- updateRgn = NewRgn();
- ScrollRect(&r,dh,dv,updateRgn);
- fVOffSet -= dv;
- fHOffSet -= dh;
- InvalRgn(updateRgn);
- HandleUpdateEvt(NULL);
- DisposeRgn(updateRgn);
- }// end of ScrollContents function
- void DScrollWindow::DoHScroll( short change)
- {
- RgnHandle oldClip;
- short diff;
- short newValue;
- short oldMin, oldMax;
- // These variables are to allow the use of different
- // ranges in the fHOffSet, fHMax and fHMins than possible
- // in the controls. It is a result of the fact that the settings
- // of the controls and the settings of the offset, max and min are
- // not equal, becuase the scroll is scrolling the origin suchthat
- // the entier range defined by fHMin and fHMax are accesibl
- // the windows settings.(its best to stay close to that state)
- // In particualar its the control's max value wich is not
- // equall to the fHMax/fVMax values, The mins are equal in
- // the applications I've created so far but just to be on the
- // safe side, I'll check the mins too.
- oldClip = NewRgn();
- GetClip(oldClip);
- diff = 0;
- newValue = fHOffSet + change;
- if(change<0)
- {
- oldMin = GetCtlMin(fHorizScrollBar);
- if(newValue < oldMin)
- newValue = oldMin;
- }
- else
- {
- oldMax = GetCtlMax(fHorizScrollBar);
- if(newValue > oldMax)
- newValue = oldMax;
- }
- diff = fHOffSet - newValue;
- FocusOnContent();
- ScrollContents(diff,0);
- // changes the offsets
- FocusOnWindow();
- SetCtlValue(fHorizScrollBar, fHOffSet);
- // now bring the control up to date with the offsets
- SetClip(oldClip);
- DisposeRgn(oldClip);
- }// end of DoHScroll member function
- void DScrollWindow::DoVScroll(short change)
- {
- RgnHandle oldClip;
- short diff;
- short newValue;
- short oldMin, oldMax;
- // this change in theam is to allow the use of different
- // dinamic ranges in the fHOffSet, Max and Mins than possible
- // in the controls. It also admits to the fact that the settings
- // of the controls and the settings of the offset, max and min are
- // not necessaraly identical (its best to stay close to that state)
- oldClip = NewRgn();
- GetClip(oldClip);
- diff = 0;
- newValue = fVOffSet + change;
- if(change<0)
- {
- oldMin = GetCtlMin(fVertScrollBar);
- if(newValue < oldMin)
- newValue = oldMin;
- }
- else
- {
- oldMax = GetCtlMax(fVertScrollBar);
- if(newValue > oldMax)
- newValue = oldMax;
- }
- diff = fVOffSet - newValue;
- FocusOnContent();
- ScrollContents(0, diff);
- // changes the offsets
- FocusOnWindow();
- SetCtlValue(fVertScrollBar, fVOffSet);
- // now bring the control up to date with the offsets
- SetClip(oldClip);
- DisposeRgn(oldClip);
- }// DoVScroll member function
- pascal void DScrollWindow::ActionProc(ControlHandle theControl, short partCode)
- {
- short scrollAmount = 0;
- DScrollWindow *theCurrScrollWindow;
- theCurrScrollWindow = (DScrollWindow *) GetWRefCon( FrontWindow() );// isn't system7 great?
- if(theControl == theCurrScrollWindow->fVertScrollBar )
- {
- scrollAmount = theCurrScrollWindow->GetVertLineScrollAmount();
- if(partCode == inUpButton)
- theCurrScrollWindow->DoVScroll(-scrollAmount);
- if(partCode == inDownButton)
- theCurrScrollWindow->DoVScroll(scrollAmount);
- }
- else if( theControl == theCurrScrollWindow->fHorizScrollBar)
- {
- scrollAmount = theCurrScrollWindow->GetHorizLineScrollAmount();
- if(partCode == inUpButton)
- theCurrScrollWindow->DoHScroll(-scrollAmount);
- if(partCode == inDownButton)
- theCurrScrollWindow->DoHScroll(scrollAmount);
- }
- }// end of ActionProc proc